2023 Second Capacity-Building Workshop: Empowering Future Entrepreneurs for Change and Success

The Second Capacity-Building Workshop for the 2023 Entrepreneurship Fellowship Program marked a pivotal moment in our commitment to nurturing the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs. Hosted by Conversation for Change (C4C), the workshop brought together a diverse group of aspiring entrepreneurs to enhance their skills, collaborate, and forge connections that will shape the future of the entrepreneurial landscape.

Conversation for Change is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and driving positive change in our communities. With a mission to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources needed for success, we organize yearly fellowship programs, where we bring in talented sets of youth entrepreneurs to train.  The initiatives has helped in bridging the gap between vision and accomplishment.

This workshop, held from 6th -10th November 2023, featured a comprehensive agenda designed to address key challenges faced by these emerging entrepreneurs. It was a follow-up workshop from the First Capacity Building Workshop held earlier in the year and which was subsequently followed by an internship activity.  Sessions covered topics such as Maintaining Business Standards and Quality Control and Ethics in Business, Basic HR Training for Budding Entrepreneurs, Mental Health/Stress Management, and Unique Value Proposition. Each segment was crafted to align with the overarching goals of the 2023 Entrepreneurship Fellowship Programs.

A vibrant and engaged group of 23 fellows enriched the workshop with their diverse backgrounds and entrepreneurial ambitions. Esteemed speakers, mentors, and facilitators provided valuable insights, fostering an environment of collaboration and shared learning.

The workshop aimed to equip participants with practical skills and knowledge essential for entrepreneurial success. From honing business plans to navigating market dynamics, the learning objectives were finely tuned to empower fellows on their entrepreneurial journey.

Engaging discussions, interactive workshops, and real-world case studies marked the highlights of the workshop. Participants delved into hands-on activities, gaining practical insights that transcended theoretical concepts. The dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences further enhanced the learning atmosphere.

Testimonials from participants underscored the transformative impact of the workshop. (If possible link the recent episodes of the Sage that had many them giving testimony to the impact on them) Several fellows shared how the insights gained had already influenced their business strategies, leading to enhanced confidence and strategic clarity.

As we conclude this transformative workshop, participants are encouraged to leverage the knowledge gained and continue their entrepreneurial journey. Upcoming events and milestones in the 2023 Entrepreneurship Fellowship Programs will offer further opportunities for growth and collaboration.

The second capacity-building workshop was a resounding success, exemplifying our commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial talent. We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, speakers, and participants for contributing to an enriching and impactful experience.