Today's World...A Different World

Today's World...A Different World

The world has changed a lot in the last few decades.  We’ve made great advances in civilization, and as a result, technology, healthcare, the economy and everything else have a totally different landscape today. Because of these great technological advances in all these sectors, there have been demographic changes as well. Due to breakthroughs in medicine, in developed regions, people are living longer, fewer children are dying at childbirth, and the world’s population is steadily increasing.

What Do We Do?

What Do We Do?

Reaching large and significant numbers of young people through effective means has been the major weakness of most of the interventions. The case often seems to be that of only a select group of benefiting and empowered to become leaders, because they’re the ones who can afford it. C4C is here to balance that skewed equation by bringing the relevant conversation to the spaces where young people inhabit.

Who Are We?

Who Are We?

The need to empower young people so they can engage effectively and become equal partners and architects of development within their various countries, has never been greater than it is today. It is in response to this urgent need that CONVERSATIONS FOR CHANGE (C4C) was created. C4C has followed the efforts of the many agencies in the world that have also recognized the urgency of this need for youth empowerment and engagement. A great deal has been done.